TPT #89: Storytellers & The Bardic College

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane continue their series on player profiles with the most narratively-focused gamer: the storyteller. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders meet some unlikely allies, and the Bardic College reminds us that students ruin everything in the Character Creation Forge. (53m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana—Starter Spells: The latest playtest options for Cantrips and Level 1 spells.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: We give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #88: Minions, Pets, and Companions & The One Man Band

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to introduce, play, and possibly kill off beloved familiars, friends, and followers. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders beat a hasty retreat, and The One Man Band makes an entourage of their own in the Character Creation Forge. (63m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana—Wizard Revisited: The latest playtest options for this class.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #87: Star Wars Campaign Setting & George Washington

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane examine the most popular movie franchise of all time, Star Wars, as a roleplaying game setting. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, make a disturbing discovery, and he’s coming, he’s coming, he’s coming in this special April Fool’s Day Character Creation Forge. (63m)

Important Links:

George Washington (YouTube): Inspiration for this week’s Character Creation Forge

Manifest Zone: A new Eberron podcast featuring Keith Baker

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #86: Reflavoring & Captain America

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to change in-game names and descriptions to match character concepts and story elements. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the party goes on its first away mission, and don’t look too closely at Captain America’s shield in the Character Creation Forge. (60m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

D&D Beyond: the digital tools beta is live!

Unearthed Arcana—The Mystic: the latest playtest rules for this class.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #85: The Goldilocks Levels & Conan

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss playing and running games in the sweet spot, after the characters have a few accomplishments to their names, but before they get too powerful. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the party strikes a bargain they have no idea how to fulfill, and Conan is barbarous, adventurous, and destructive in the Character Creation Forge. (61m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

Unearthed Arcana—Traps: new playtest rules.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #84: Playing Genasi & The Fistadin

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to play genasi, those fire-haired and crystal-faced freaks descended from the power of the Elemental Planes. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the party faces extremely familiar enemies, and the Fistadin gets her hands dirty in the Character Creation Forge. (62m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

Unearthed Arcana—Mass Combat: new playtest rules.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #83: Arena Battles & The Heathen Champion

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss planning, prepping, and running gladiatorial combats and structured tournaments. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, meet the crew of the Rogue Trader His Enduring Light, and the Heathen Champion defends the honor of ancient gods in the Character Creation Forge. (59m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

Unearthed Arcana—Warlock and Wizard: the latest playtest options for this class.

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #82: Player Absences & The Batman

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane show up to discuss how to handle the session and the story when a player misses a game. In the prologue to the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the party exploits a design flaw, and The Batman is prepared for anything in the Character Creation Forge. (65m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

Unearthed Arcana—Sorcerer: the latest playtest options for this class.

Batman Mega Respect Thread: A list of all of Batman’s abilities, with citations.

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #81: The Greyhawk Campaign Setting & The Sexy Beast

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane travel back in history to the early days of roleplaying games as they revisit the original D&D campaign setting, Greyhawk. In the prologue to the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the acolytes finally purge something they’re supposed to, and the Sexy Beast is more beautiful than the average bear in the Character Creation Forge. (60m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #80: Riddles & The Cagematch

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to write and use riddles, and how to help players solve them. In the prologue to the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the acolytes discover something downright rotten, and the Cagematch is the main event in the Character Creation Forge. (60m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana: Ranger and Rogue: the latest playtest options for these classes.

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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