TPT #96: Using Languages & The Polyglot

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss ways to use and feature an aspect of RPGs that is easily overlooked: language. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the crew turn inward to their passenger manifest, and the Polyglot always has something to say in the Character Creation Forge. (55m)

Important Links:


Babel Fish: It knows an awful lot of languages.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: We give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #94: Fudging Dice & Clutch

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss one of gamemasters’ dirty little secrets: sometimes they ignore die rolls. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders run for their lives, and Clutch is ready to roll in the Character Creation Forge. (65m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana—Revised Subclasses: WOTC’s second pass at a few previous Unearthed Arcana subclasses.

Calvinball: This is why we have rules.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: We give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #92: Power Creep & The Shadowed Stalker

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss the RPG hobby’s pay-to-win model, power creep. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders explore a portable hole, and the Shadowed Stalker shows up where you least expect it in the Character Creation Forge. (67m)

Important Links:

Unearthed ArcanaFeats for Skills: Playtest options for specializing skills through feats.

Unearthed Arcana—Feats for Races: Playtest options for racial feats.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: We give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #91: Breadth vs Depth in Characters & The Sandman

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to choose between specializing or expanding your character’s abilities. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders let a chance for escape go to their heads, and the Sandman lets the bedbugs bite in the Character Creation Forge. (63m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana—Downtime: The latest playtest options.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: We give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #90: Booting a Player & The Gray Guard

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss the best ways to eject the worst players from your game. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders perform some jailhouse reconnaissance, and the Gray Guard is on a mission from god in the Character Creation Forge. (64m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana—A Trio of Subclasses: The latest playtest options for the Monk, Paladin, and Ranger.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: We give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #89: Storytellers & The Bardic College

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane continue their series on player profiles with the most narratively-focused gamer: the storyteller. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders meet some unlikely allies, and the Bardic College reminds us that students ruin everything in the Character Creation Forge. (53m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana—Starter Spells: The latest playtest options for Cantrips and Level 1 spells.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: We give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #88: Minions, Pets, and Companions & The One Man Band

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to introduce, play, and possibly kill off beloved familiars, friends, and followers. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Rogue Traders beat a hasty retreat, and The One Man Band makes an entourage of their own in the Character Creation Forge. (63m)

Important Links:

Unearthed Arcana—Wizard Revisited: The latest playtest options for this class.

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #86: Reflavoring & Captain America

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to change in-game names and descriptions to match character concepts and story elements. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the party goes on its first away mission, and don’t look too closely at Captain America’s shield in the Character Creation Forge. (60m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

D&D Beyond: the digital tools beta is live!

Unearthed Arcana—The Mystic: the latest playtest rules for this class.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #85: The Goldilocks Levels & Conan

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss playing and running games in the sweet spot, after the characters have a few accomplishments to their names, but before they get too powerful. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the party strikes a bargain they have no idea how to fulfill, and Conan is barbarous, adventurous, and destructive in the Character Creation Forge. (61m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

Unearthed Arcana—Traps: new playtest rules.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #84: Playing Genasi & The Fistadin

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to play genasi, those fire-haired and crystal-faced freaks descended from the power of the Elemental Planes. In the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the party faces extremely familiar enemies, and the Fistadin gets her hands dirty in the Character Creation Forge. (62m)

Important Links:

Teepublic: Home of the TPT-shirt!

Unearthed Arcana—Mass Combat: new playtest rules.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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