TPT #79: Creating Character Backgrounds & The Chevalier

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to create meaningful and playable backgrounds for characters. In the prologue to the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the acolytes read a stolen diary, and the Chevalier makes the ultimate sacrifice—and is sad about it— in the Character Creation Forge. (51m)

Important Links:

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #78: Using Secrets & Reaper

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how players and GMs can create, keep, and reveal secret information. In the prologue to the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the acolytes discover the grain isn’t the only thing rotten on Novabella, and Reaper fights and runs away in the Character Creation Forge. (56m)

Important Links:

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #77: Butt-Kickers & Dhalsim

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane continue their series on player profiles as they discuss butt-kickers, the players who just want to throwdown. In the prologue of the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the war band find themselves in the line of fire, and Dhalsim keeps his enemies at arm’s length in the Character Creation Forge. (42m)

Important Links:

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #76: Adapting From Other Media & The Crucible

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss a variety of ways to borrow from books, movies, television and other media to enhance your RPGs. In the prologue of the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the war band stir up trouble, and the Crucible heats things up in the Character Creation Forge. (63m)

Important Links:

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #75: Setting the Tone & The Inventor

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss techniques for establishing tone in various types and genres of RPGs. In the prologue of the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign, the Inquisition arrives on a backwater farming planet to snuff out some heresy, and the Inventor masters magic and technology–but mostly magic–in the Character Creation Forge. (65m)

Important Links:

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

TPT #55: Warhammer 40k Setting & The Space Marine Librarian: we give an overview of the setting and RPGs that power our next campaign recap, the Dynasty Unwarranted campaign.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #74: The Thrillie Awards, Resolutions & Aquaman

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane present the Second Annual Thrillie Awards to the best gaming products of the year, check-in on last year’s New Years gaming resolutions, and then share new resolutions. In the Character Creation Forge, Aquaman does some goofy fish stuff and occasionally blasts people with a trident. (56m)

Important Links:

Two Weeks: a micro-game collection which benefits the ACLU, including Shane’s NASCAR-inspired RPG, Wreckin’ is Racin’.

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #73: 2nd Annual Mailbag & The Flash

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane sort through the mail and answer listener questions about plot hooks, campaign planning and time management. In the Mourning Glory campaign, the final battle rests on the outcome of a single die roll, and the Flash outruns even the sharpest shooters in the Character Creation Forge. (64m)

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #72: Playing Tieflings & The Faustian Fiddler

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to play tieflings, those devil-blooded outcasts that Planescape gifted to the game. In the Mourning Glory campaign, each member of the party must make a final decision, and the Faustian Fiddler puts the devil in the detailed fingerwork in the Character Creation Forge. (60m)

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #71: Burnout & The Smitebiter

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane discuss how to avoid burnout, what to do if you feel yourself getting burned out, and the merits of participating in RPGs as both a player and a gamemaster. In the Mourning Glory campaign, the party is severely tempted, and the Smitebiter gets a taste of combat in the Character Creation Forge. (64m)

Important Links:

Help us decide what to do after we finish recapping Mourning Glory in our Twitter poll:

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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TPT #70: Low Fantasy in D&D & The Lazylord

Hosts I-Hsien and Shane explain how to strip out unrealistic elements from traditional fantasy RPGs to run grounded and gritty games. In the Mourning Glory campaign, the party’s succes comes back to bite them, and the Lazylord leads from the reclining chair in the Character Creation Forge. (63m)

Contact us:

Twitter: @TPTcast



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